Putting It All Together Worksheet

Step 4


Design the Learning Approach to Align with the Challenge Definition and Desired Impact

Congratulations on focusing on the adaptive/complex challenge of your contributing factor. This is harder than focusing on a technical challenge, and we want you to know that we recognize that planning for learning for adaptive/complex challenges can be hard work!

In Step 4, for the learning you identified in Boxes 3.4, we’re going to consider what approach will work best.

Many choices will need to be made about audience, reaching across scopes of influence, length and dose. Try not to answer based on the ease of influence or budget constraints. This is an exercise about what will create change, even if it can’t all be accomplished in the immediate learning instance.

While filling out this step of the worksheet, it may help to refer to page 10 of the Toolkit and the Discussion Guide on page 27.

For questions 4.1.3, 4.2.3, 4.3.3, and 4.4.3 you may find it helpful to reference Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Learning 1

4.1.2: Can individuals learn this information on their own? Or do organizations or communities need to learn together?(Required)
4.1.4: What would it take to achieve that outcome?(Required)

Learning 2

4.2.2: Can individuals learn this information on their own? Or do organizations or communities need to learn together?(Required)
4.2.4: What would it take to achieve that outcome?(Required)

Learning 3

4.3.2: Can individuals learn this information on their own? Or do organizations or communities need to learn together?(Required)
4.3.4: What would it take to achieve that outcome?(Required)

Learning 4

4.4.2: Can individuals learn this information on their own? Or do organizations or communities need to learn together?(Required)
4.4.4: What would it take to achieve that outcome?(Required)

Check and reflect

Are your learning goals (4.1.3, 4.2.3, 4.3.3, and 4.4.3) aligned with your learning approach (4.1.4, 4.2.4, 4.3.4, and 4.4.4)?

In general, the learning goals at the top of the pyramid will take longer to achieve.

Example 4.1:


Who Needs to Participate in this learning?

Can individuals learn this information on their own? Or do organizations or communities need to learn together?

What would be the outcome(s) of this learning? (or the learning objectives)

What would it take to achieve that outcome?

Medical/Nursing Schools need to know how to run a successful internship program in under-resourced communities.

Leadership and/or practice-based learning staff from ABC Medical School, QRS School of Dentistry, and XYZ School of Nursing

Groups or organizations need to learn together

  • Describe examples of successful internship programs running elsewhere
  • Define key outcomes for an internship program in under-resourced areas
  • Compare internship programs
  • Design, test, and evaluate an internship program

Long dose, year or multi-year events (e.g., multi-layered)

Medical/Nursing Schools need to know how to build curricula that teaches community engagement and community-building strategies

Leadership and/or practice-based learning staff from ABC Medical School, QRS School of Dentistry, and XYZ School of Nursing

Groups or organizations need to learn together

  • Identify learning objectives for curricula addressing community engagement and community-building
  • Explain how community engagement and community-building curricula support core competency/graduation requirements
  • Design, test, and evaluate community engagement curricula

Long dose, year or multi-year events (e.g., multi-layered)

Future healthcare providers need to learn from community members’ lived-experience

Future healthcare providers


  • Describe how place (and social determinants of health impact individual and community health
  • Analyze how medical practices rooted in learning from the community can enhance healthcare’s effectiveness

Medium dose, multi-session event (e.g., courses, action institute, coaching)

Future healthcare providers need to practice skills in building trust, collaboration, and community engagement

Future healthcare providers


  • Identify essential elements for authentic community engagement
  • Describe approaches that build trust and enable collaboration
  • Analyze how engagement with the community can enhance healthcare’s effectiveness

Long dose, year or multi-year events (e.g., multi-layered)

Feedback Question

Rate the level to which you agree with this statement: “Section 4 of the worksheet was clear and made sense to me.”(Required)

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